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What is a Peace Bond? What Are the Consequences of Being Ordered Onto a Peace Bond?

Have you been ordered to comply with a peace bond? Are you unsure as to your obligations and what, if any, consequences arise from a peace bond?

A peace bond is an order which requires you to comply with specified conditions. This type of court order is typically ordered in cases of domestic assault and violence or disturbance allegations. Peace bonds trigger the withdrawal of criminal charges, which is highly desired, but there may be unusual conditions and negative impacts.

A peace bond will typically include conditions that will result in restrictions in your life. Additionally, it could also end with criminal charges and monetary penalties if you breach your court-ordered bond. Some of these restrictions may include:

  • Conditions that restrict you from visiting the victim’s home or work
  • Restrictions on alcohol (you could be banned completely from buying or consuming alcohol)
  • Denied accessibility to firearms (training or possession)
  • Domestic violence counselling

The conditions of a peace bond will vary depending upon the circumstances. These conditions may be in effect for 12 months.  Furthermore, they can affect your life in many other ways, including potentially disallowing you to go home or even see your children.

If you breach any of the conditions of the peace bond, it is considered a separate criminal offence.

Can You Change the Terms of the Peace Bond?

There may be a circumstance where you want to change the terms of your peace bond. For instance, if the complainant and yourself reconcile or require a discussion on the topics of combined finances or other family matters. In order to amend conditions associated with a peace bond, the file has to be placed back in front of the original judge who put the peace bond in place.

This requires contacting the prosecutor’s office as well as the courthouse in order to coordinate scheduling. Once back in front of the original judge, the application to vary is heard.

Can You Remove a Peace Bond From Your Criminal Record?

If a peace bond is ordered against you, you won’t have to worry about a criminal conviction. However, in Alberta, peace bonds may arise on criminal record checks and vulnerable sector checks. There are many employers who may not hire you if a peace bond is brought to their attention. Additionally, peace bonds may and likely will impact your ability to get a security clearance if that is needed for your employment.

Contact Us If You Need Help

A peace bond is put in place to keep the peace, as its name suggests. However, failure to comply with the conditions can result in new criminal charges. If you’re looking for the help of a professional criminal lawyer in Calgary, then be sure to contact us today for a free consultation.

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