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Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Youth Assault – Charges Withdrawn

Our criminal lawyer Calgary, Jillian, was recently retained to help a 16-year-old boy with criminal assault charges. During the lunch break on a school day, he and several of his friends went to a local restaurant. Her client was alleged at this restaurant to have assaulted a girl (who accompanied the group to the restaurant). CCTV footage from the restaurant showed there was a struggle between the two and backpacks were thrown. The complainant maintained that Jillian’s client slapped and hit her during the altercation.

Youth charges are governed by the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). However, courts follow the Criminal Code procedure. Youth court has different protocols compared to adult court. Some important principles from the YCJA include considering the unique nature of youth, in particular their level of maturity. The Act gives consideration to fair treatment and protection of rights and privacy. The Act also requires timely intervention. Delay is always a consideration. Smart and strategic lawyers are vigilant in preventing delay, but this factor is especially critical in youth criminal court because of the Act.

The Act encourages judges and officers of the court to consider compassion, empowerment and respect for young people and their circumstances. The Act also requires that young people be held accountable for their actions but we must consider their level of maturity in doing so.

When Jillian is retained to help a young person, she always explains that her duty and loyalty is to the young person who is her client. However, we always strive to include family so that we can provide wrap-around support in terms of legal information and advice.

In this case, the young person’s charges were withdrawn. This was achieved through skillful negotiation and with the wrap-around support which allowed her client to complete some coursework which was used in the negotiation.

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When you’re facing possible jail time over a fraud charge, it’s important to find the right defence lawyer. Our defence lawyers team can help make sure you are well represented, and your rights are being protected.

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